Modern Step Stool

This step stool was a test in patience and designing on the fly. I don’t tend to make detailed plans when I make a woodworking project. I like to have a basic concept, maybe some final dimensions, but other than that I dive right into a project and build as a go. I love how the step stool turned out.  The cherry wood is gorgeous and has a ton of figure that doesn’t come across in the video. The design is simple, but works perfectly.  If you are interested in making a piece of furniture at home then consider making a stool.  They are a great gateway project into furniture making.

This stool is inspired by the Scandinavian Skagerak Noboru stool. It’s a beautiful piece of furniture.


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I’m Billy and I make fun things.  Sometimes, it’s something I need like tool storage ideas.  Other times it’s silly or nerdy stuff that I want to build. If you want to get ideas for making stuff, or just want to watch something entertaining then make sure you subscribe.


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